Our projects

Dairy Creek Culvert Upgrade

Client: Autoun Civil Engineering Location: Mortdale Duration: 16 weeks

Key Components

  • 525 GRP carrier diversion
  • 50m of 525mm bored section of main under Cromdale St
  • 7 Sydney Water Deemed to Comply Manholes up to a depth of 8m
  • 5 Connections to existing Sydney Water network during off peak hours

Project Summary

Fluid Services was engaged by Antoun Civil Engineering to adjust an existing 450mm carrier and upsize to 525mm with 50 of 525mm bored section under Cromdale St.

The sewer adjustment works was to cater for construction of a new culvert for creek upgrade works.
Fluid Services handed over the adjusted carrier main in record time with no defects. This allowed Antoun to complete their culvert works.

The trunk sewer was constructed in varying environments, each requiring management of specific safety, community and environmental issues;

  • Liaising with local land owners
  • Work site along existing dairy creek
  • Wet and changing conditions – works within creek
  • Shoring for deep sewer

The pipe lines were installed in various terrain and surroundings including road reserve, paddocks, environmentally sensitive and protected areas.

Installation of the pipeline was a critical activity to enable the culvert works to commence and allow Cromdale St to be reopened to the public.

Wastewater Construction Sydney
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