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Fluid Services uses a wide rage of different boring methods depending on project requirements.

Microtunnelling  boring using laser guidance for accuracy and steering.

Machines can drill in varying ground conditions from very soft formations to hard rock and is used for high accuracy, fine grade gravity sewers, stormwater systems, and water pipelines. Fluid also installs steel casing pipe allowing the installation of HDPE, PVC and other non-jacking carrier pipes.

Four laser guided microtunnelling machines utilising various forms of spoil extraction and face control. Microtunnelling uses both slurry extraction and vacuum extraction microtunnellers providing us with the capability to operate in most types of ground conditions and below the water table.

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Horizontal Directional Drilling is often used for longer distances and/ or where the gradient is too steep for the bed borer to operate. Directional drilling is performed by a directional drill which is steered by a sonde, a device located in the drill head that sends an electronic signal to the handheld locating device, tracking its line and depth. Coiled pipe is installed when the drill head is returning back to the point of entry, ready for clients to use.

The vacuum tanker is also used in conjunction with the directional drill as it is used to vacuum extract drill slurry from the bore hole which is taken away to an approved waste management facility to be removed. The vacuum tanker can hold 9000 litres of waste which also doubles as our potholing unit.

The directional drill allows us to drill under creek beds, water catchment areas, retaining walls and infrastructure. Our specialised equipment and drill heads enable us to drill all types of ground, ranging from sand to rock. The horizontal directional drill’s bore hole capabilities range from 50mm to 500mm.

There are many boring construction work techniques that can be implemented in a given project, including:

1. Microtunneling
2. Pipe jacking
3. Horizontal drilling

On all types of terrain except for sheared or fractured rock layers, tunnel boring machines make the most sense from both a cost and efficiency perspective. Fluid uses microtunneling equipment to complete trenchless tunneling projects safely. Unlike less precise pneumatic boring methods, our equipment can be directed in a single direction with incredible accuracy. This makes avoiding existing utility lines and other structures possible without further contributing to the overall cost of the project itself.

Our highly accurate microtunneling equipment and techniques are also an excellent choice for under road boring applications. Installing long sections of pipe, tubing or conduits under an existing road can present all manner of complications for your team and those who rely on use of the road to reach their destinations. Carefully monitored microtunneling represents a cost-effective solution to this problem as a significantly less disruptive alternative to standard trenching practices. Fluid’s directional drilling services can bore beneath a road, building or important piece of landscape without adverse impacts by operating from a designated launch pit and recovery pit, limiting the requirement for excavation particularly in sensitive or areas with minimal access.

Once pipes have been set in place, the microtunneling machine can be recovered and the project can proceed as planned. Give us a call today to learn how this innovative construction technique – and all of our trenching and boring services in Sydney – can help make your project a reality.

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Fluid Services strives to provide quality, cost effective & on time solutions for your water & wastewater infrastructure projects.

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